United States Office
United States P: 702-938-6418 F: 702-938-4118 salesus@dioxide.com Suite B-562 / 2654 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89052-2803
Building Mount Chemical Dosing Systems The way of the future in chemical dosing system design for both established and greenfield sites. Dioxide Pacific designs chemical dosing systems which are fully mechanically and electrically installed and integrated inside a shipping container or portable building. The advantages are many and include the ability for Dioxide Pacific to provide full factory acceptance testing of the plant before it is delivered. This process minimises time spent on site for installation. The possibility of defects on site is also removed.
Application: Building mount sodium hypochlorite dosing and control system, installed in concrete portable building. Chlorine dosing and control is required for top up chlorination of potable water supplies at reticulation and reservoir locations. Dioxide Pacific dosing systems are installed in small portable buildings which can be easily transported to site and placed on a crushed rock base. Once on site, it is a simple matter to connect water in and out and power along with a security fence and the installation is complete. The plant can be up and running in 1 week.
Inside the building is a complete sodium hypochlorite storage and dosing system including chemical storage tank with transfer facility, tank bund, by-pass water circulation system so that chlorine can be dosed into this by-pass, chlorine residual analyser with PID controller, electrical control panel, domestic water system with safety shower and eyewash. All safety signs complying with dangerous goods standards and painting of internal walls for chemical resistance are included.
The building mount chlorine dosing system is designed in 3D and fabricated at our workshop with full testing and commissioning. Dioxide Pacific will then attend site to connect services, commission the plant on site and provide operator training.
Application: Building mount filtration, UV disinfection and chlorine disinfection system for dam water treatment Dioxide Pacific was engaged by a consultant to design and build a portable building mounted water treatment plant for a dam site. The owners desired to use dam water for safety showers and ablutions on site but the water was turbid with colloidal clay and required disinfection. The site is an operational gold mine and therefore disruption of site time was to be minimised, hence the choice of a building mount system.
Dioxide Pacific provided concept process design and obtained approval from the consultant. PACl dosing and multimedia filtration was chosen to flocculate and remove colloidal clay. Chlorine dosing for oxidation of iron and removal of iron oxide with DMI filtration was chosen prior to UV disinfection. Clean water entered a storage tank where it is circulated and dosed with chlorine again to maintain a disinfection residual.
The complete system was installed inside a prefabricated portable building. Chemical storage tanks and bund tanks are located inside the building with vents outside to prevent corrosion. Chemical; dosing pumps are located on top of the tank. All electrical wiring and pipework inside the room was installed and tested prior to delivery. The building was removed from our workshop and delivered to site by truck where it was placed onto blocks ready for connection to site services.
The system is serviced under a preventative maintenance contract by Dioxide Pacific.
Application: Sodium hypochlorite dosing and control system, installed in plant room shed. Chlorine dosing and control is required for top up chlorination of potable water supplies at reticulation and remote reservoir locations. This Dioxide Pacific dosing systems is installed in a plant room where the contact tank is also installed in the room. In some locations such as parks, water consumption during winter and the working week is very low, so water in reservoirs can become stagnant and chlorine residual reduce to unacceptably low concentrations.
In this plant, a small chlorine contact tank is installed in series with the reticulation pipework. Water is circulated from the bottom of the contact tank to the top and sodium hypochlorite is dosed into the circulation loop. Level in the contact tank is maintained with a float valve. The complete system was supplied and installed including contact tank, pumps, dosing pumps, valves, chlorine residual analyser with PID controller, electrical control panel, domestic water system with safety shower and eyewash. All safety signs complying with dangerous goods standards and painting of internal walls for chemical resistance are included.
Application: Building Mount PACl Dosing System for Potable Water Supply Dioxide Pacific was engaged by a municipal water authority to design, build and install a PACL dosing system for flocculation of an emergency water supply. During times of drought, it was desired to utilise a water supply which was normally not used for potable water. This water contains colloidal clay and is dosed with PACl prior to storage in a larger dam.
The plant supplied included excavation and construction of a concrete slab, installation of a plant room shed and installation of chemical dosing equipment inside the shed. Chemical dosing includes duty and standby PACL dosing pumps, electrical control panel, IBC bund storage and diesel generator. As the site is remote and chemical dosing occurs infrequently, power is obtained from a diesel generator.
The complete system was designed, built, installed and commissioned by Dioxide Pacific including all civil, mechanical and electrical works.
There is no limit to the type of chemical dosing or water treatment plant which can be provided in a building or shipping container. For more information on portable building mount chemical dosing systems or to obtain a quotation please complete the form on our Contact page.